*With Option To Buy
Renting vs. Purchasing Equipment
If any of these conditions apply to your situation, our rental units could be a good option.
Need to make a change quickly
Need to meet an increase in production volume
Need to fulfill a short-term cleaning project
Need for validation testing / cost benefit analysis
Need to minimize large capital outlay
Need to switch solvents
Need for upgraded system that has automated basket handling
Typical Degreasers in Our Rental Fleet
ULTRA™ 250
ULTRA™ 1212 LE
ULTRA™ 2012 LE

Need to Make a Change Fast …
Sometimes things change on a dime and you need an option fast! Renting might be an excellent way to deal with an unexpected change or mandate from corporate, a customer or an external entity.
We have a fleet of vapor degreasers at the ready for fast turnaround.
Need for Increased Production Capability
From time to time, production volumes increase, and we need extra capacity for a short time. Renting a vapor degreaser to meet this increase helps smooth the work-flow while reducing the need for a large capital expense.
We provide short term vapor degreaser rental options of 3-month, 6 months or longer-term leases.
To Fulfill a Short Term Cleaning Project …
Many of our customers have a special project request that comes in from their customers where cleaning is needed - but for a limited run. Sometimes it is just easier to rent a unit and get the project done instead of investing in a new or
pre-owned vapor degreaser for a longer term.
We provide turn-key vapor degreasing systems that will get you up and running fast.
Validation Testing …
Many companies are not sure if the solvent or cleaning process they are planning will work. Others want to see if going from a large vapor degreasing system to smaller "cell" processing centers would be a better long-term option. Still others need to validate the cost/benefits of using vapor degreasing compared to their current process. In these cases, companies rent a vapor degreaser to learn the most effective process for their cleaning operations.
We have smaller vapor degreasing systems that are great for validation testing or lab applications.

Minimize Large Capital Outlay …
Many businesses do not have the $40,000 to $100,000 to invest in vapor degreasing equipment, either because they have allocated their capital to another project or because this price is cost prohibitive. But, vapor degreasing is the best option for cleaning their parts. In this case, the rental of a vapor degreaser will give them access to powerful cleaning capability without the large capital outlay.
We have rent-to-own lease options that can pave the way to acquiring a vapor degreaser.
Need to Switch Solvents …
The newer fluorinated solvents are fast evaporating with lower boil points, and require upgraded systems that have slide lids, secondary refrigeration systems for solvent containment and other features that minimize solvent loss. Or some companies would still like to continue using nPB or TCE and therefore need upgraded vapor degreasing systems that can minimize solvent emissions.
We manufacture NESHAP compliant systems that are exceptional for using any solvent.
Need for Automated Basket Handling System …
Every company is looking for ways to increase productivity. Automated basket handling systems allow workers to press a button and have the parts cleaned to the same cleaning specification, consistently every time. For many of our customers, automated basket handling would be a huge benefit.
We have vapor degreasing systems equipped with easy to program automated basket handling .