frequently asked
Solvent Specific Questions
Validation Performance testing is part of the Reliance Transition Success Program. We provide free samples of the solvents, test clean sample parts in our labs, and/or host companies here in our facility to experience the solvents working first hand.
Free Samples of Our Solvents - As part of the evaluation process, our technical team will work with you to assess which solvent will best meet your cleaning needs and provide a free sample for you to test with at your facility.
Free Performance Testing of Sample Parts - In addition to a free sample of solvent; you may also option to send in sample parts for us to test clean in our vapor degreasing laboratories. We have a large inventory of vapor degreasing units and can emulate your current production process (immersion, spray, ultrasonic) to validate a recommended cleaning process. We will clean the parts and send them to you for your evaluation along with a comprehensive report of the test cleaning. This is also a great way to see if a change in your equipment configuration and process can have a marked improvement in your productivity, cleaning quality, or consistency.
Test Cleaning of Large or Small Parts - We have a full range of vapor degreasing and ultrasonic capability in the Reliance Vapor Degreaser Test Cleaning Labs with immersion, ultrasonics, and vapor spray capabilities.
Yes, you can continue to use nPB. Companies have been using TCE, PERC and MC under NESHAP for 25 years. And NESHAP in and of itself does not preclude continued use, it is just more involved.
Immediately, the main issue with nPB is your state air permitting (as discussed earlier). Since each state handles its own air VOC, HAP permitting, you will need to check with your state for their immediate requirements for re-permitting of nPB.
Learn More About Regulatory Changes to nPB -
Different solvents boil at different temperatures . . . thus vaporize at different temperatures. GenTech™ and EnTron™ boil at 160°F / 71°C. So depending on the solvent you had been using, the temperature settings will need to be adjusted on the vapor degreaser as will the safety limit control settings. For example, if you have been using TCE (which boils at 188°F / 87°C) and switch over to EnTron™, the temperature settings will need to be decreased to 160°F. For a complete table of the safety limit control settings, please contact us.
ULTRA™ Unit Specific Questions
NESHAP is an acronym for the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants. NESHAP is interested in reducing the amounts of Hazardous Air Pollutants. In the case of a vapor degreaser, the cooling coils at the top of the vapor zone are what contain the solvent.
The ULTRA™ series of vapor degreasers have features that minimize worker solvent exposure and enhance solvent containment through a super cooled refrigeration coil or what is called a "zero coil" (for "zero" emission) or also called a secondary coil (which is a second refrigeration coil) - which help reduce solvent emissions. -
Each of these units have a similar tank size. The ULTRA™ 1212 has upgraded limit safety controls, field-replaceable heating elements and ultrasonics and state-of-the-art spray wand and filtration systems.
The ULTRA™ 1212 uses Watlow Limit Safety Controls for each safety control feature with temperature display and set-point versus relying on one central control board.
The ULTRA™ 1212 has field replaceable submersible ultrasonics transducers and separate generator for easy replacement and field serviceability versus difficult to access ultrasonics.
The ULTRA™ 1212 spray wand has a pneumatic foot switch rather than electric foot switch.
The ULTRA™ 1212 has a higher volume spray reserve tank.
The ULTRA™ 1212 has a secondary low temperature refrigerated condensation system with finned stainless coil to enhance solvent containment and width of vapor zone; these units do not usually have the secondary coil.
The ULTRA™ has a horizontal slide lid rather than lift off lid so the lid is always in place.
The ULTRA™ has a boil sump access door for sump service rather than only over-the-tank maintenance.
The ULTRA™ has heavy gauge stainless steel construction (1/8" plate).
The ULTRA™ uses simple electrical parts with no proprietary components for economical replacement.
The ULTRA™ has screw-in heating elements rather than through-tank elements.
The ULTRA™ has a modular spray tank and water separator for simple field replacement if ever necessary.
The ULTRA™ uses magnetic drive pumps for the spray system and the immersion sump filtration.
The ULTRA™ uses simple indicator lights to advise management of fault conditions.
Each of these units have a similar tank size. The ULTRA™ 2216 has upgraded limit safety controls, field-replaceable heating elements and ultrasonics and state-of-the-art spray wand and filtration systems.
The ULTRA™ 2216LE uses Watlow Limit Safety Controls for each safety control feature with temperature display and set-point versus relying on one central control board.
The ULTRA™ 2216 LE has field replaceable submersible ultrasonics transducers and separate generator for easy replacement and field serviceability versus difficult to access ultrasonics.
The ULTRA™ 2216 LE spray wand has a pneumatic foot switch rather than an electric foot switch.
The ULTRA™ 2216 LE has a higher volume spray reserve tank.
The ULTRA™ 2216 LE has a secondary low temperature refrigerated condensation system with finned stainless coil to enhance solvent containment and width of vapor zone.
The ULTRA™ has a horizontal slide lid rather than lift off lid so the lid is always in place.
The ULTRA™ has a boil sump access door and ultrasonic immersion sump access door for sump service rather than only over-the-tank maintenance.
The ULTRA™ has heavy gauge stainless steel construction (1/8" plate).
The ULTRA™ uses simple electrical parts with no proprietary components for economical replacement.
The ULTRA™ has screw-in heating elements rather than through-tank elements.
The ULTRA™ has a modular spray tank and water separator for simple field replacement if ever necessary.
The ULTRA™ uses magnetic drive pumps for the spray system and the immersion sump filtration.
The ULTRA™ uses simple indicator lights to advise management of fault conditions.
The ULTRA™ 2216 LE has the option of a two-position or three-position basket handling system.
The tank sizes differ between these two models. See the ULTRA™ 1212 LE specifications and the ULTRA™ 2216 LE specifications.
Hoist / Basket Automation Questions
Improved Operator Efficiency and Accuracy:
The Basket Handling System allows operators to load parts to be cleaned into the basket at ground level (with a 3-position lift) and then complete other tasks while the automated handling system takes care of cleaning the parts. Parts are processed the same every time - reducing error and minimizing solvent loss.
Multiple Saved Part Processing Recipes:PLC Controller allows the saving of 30 separate part cleaning cycles (process steps, location and time at that location as well as features being activated at that location) that can be recalled by the part number or part description saved in the program.
Safety Operating Interlocks:Prevents automatic operation if the lid is not open, heat is not operating, system is not in full vapor reflux, or if there is lift operating system default.
Transparent Enclosure Surround:A three-sided clear plastic enclosure on the lift horizontal surfaces allow for viewing of tank operation and mechanical components while minimizing dust, debris and other contaminants entering the system.
Remote Access Capability for PLC Support:Remote access capability for programming, upgrades and service support via Ethernet port.
The two position lift allows the basket to be loaded at the top of the vapor degreaser over the boil sump (position 1) and then the basket travels over to the immersion sump (position 2).
The three position lift allows the basket to be loaded at the ground level (position 1) and then the basket travels over into the tank area moving over the boil sump (position 2) and the immersion sump (position 3).
See illustrations on this page.
Hoists on vapor degreasers are becoming essential operating equipment and standard operating procedure for many companies. The ability to load parts into a basket and then have the automated system process the parts while allowing the operator to perform other functions reduces cleaning processing errors while increasing productivity and efficiency. Operators can be completing other tasks while the vapor degreaser is processing parts. Additionally, the hoist allows for more and/or heavy parts to be processed than would otherwise be possible by a single operator. The uniformity of cleaning process and reduced operator error makes hoists (or lifts) an excellent addition to any vapor degreasing system.
Rental Equipment Questions
As a Bridge Unit - If you have purchased a new unit, a bridge unit might be necessary until the new unit is ready for delivery.
Limited Duration - If you have a finite project requiring cleaning or you have a temporary escalation in your production, we can provide you with a vapor degreasing unit to increase your production capacity.
For Testing - If you are looking to determine if vapor degreasing is a viable option for your manufacturing cleaning needs, we can provide you with a small vapor degreaser with the appropriate features to test whether you will be able to achieve your objectives with vapor degreasing before having to make a full capital investment in the equipment you are considering purchasing.
As a Temporary Replacement - If your current equipment is in need of major refurbishment, we can provide you with a temporary replacement vapor degreaser to avoid production downtime.
Not Ready for a Capital Purchase - In many instances, because of capital budget or other constraints, it is more favorable to rent/lease a vapor degreaser than to purchase.
Mid and Long-Term Lease and Lease-To-Own options are available. We have full capability to conduct cleaning of test parts under various conditions and processes to pilot test proposed cleaning processes for your parts.
Troubleshooting Questions
In many instances, it is worthwhile to have an objective third-party assessment of your cleaning process and equipment that can bring to bear expertise and broad experience in this specialized field.
Expertise - We have extensive expertise in the diagnosis of vapor degreasing cleaning processes and mechanical issues.Analytical Services - We have full capability of conducting solvent specific analytical lab services.
Pilot Testing - We have full capability to conduct cleaning of test parts under various conditions and processes to pilot test proposed cleaning processes for you.
Health, Environment and Safety Questions
Gloves are not required as part of using the GenTech™ or EnTron™ solvents. However, as these solvents are very effective at removing oils and grease, so too are they effective at removing hand oils . . . which means they can be drying to the hands.
Choosing the appropriate glove for your application facilitates safe handling by eliminating unnecessary contact. There are various manufacturer's gloves tested in accordance with ASTM F-739* to assist your company in choosing an appropriate glove for your application - please contact us for a list of glove options.
Additional ventilation is not needed, as most manufacturing facilities have higher ceilings and larger rooms. It is best to have the vapor degreaser in an open room where normal air circulation is present. Adding fans and over-head ventilation systems can decrease the bath-life of the solvent - contact us and we can discuss your ventilation plans to ensure proper vapor degreaser operation.
Please contact Reliance's Technical Staff if you have questions or we can be of assistance in any way at 847-640-8923.
“Production loves the existing [ULTRA] machine. Your machine cleans better than most if not all of our other machines. The Production manager is asking to acquire more of these from you. We are in the process of budgeting for next fiscal year and I believe we will get approval of at least one more machine.” ~ Mark at Varex
"Why did it take us so long to decide to get an ULTRA 2012?"
~ Doug @ Lockheed Martin"All I have been hearing is raves, it [the ULTRA™ vapor degreaser] has cut the cleaning process down so much, it not only works so much better but much quicker too.
… The time saving alone is a miracle, and after tons of times through the Branson, people here still had to do manual hand cleaning, and no more of that.
Using your cleaner [AeroTron-100] works awesome, so pleased we were finally approved to get it [the ULTRA System]. Thank you for all your help/support." ~ Jodi at Sensience
"We are pleased with the Ultra VS-3 vapour degreaser. The new machine is everything we expected and received.”
~ Brad @ Raytheon