How do I know what vapor degreasing solvent to use? 11 considerations for choosing a solvent
Selecting vapor degreasing solvents can be daunting…because there are several key considerations for selecting them:
Vapor degreasing solvents must be non-flammable. This is because the solvent is heated and any flammable or combustible solvents (like alcohol, IPA ) are a safety hazard.
The solvent needs to be and stay an azeotrope. Azeotropic solvents are a mixture of components that have a constant boiling point and keep their composition throughout distillation. Keeping their composition (and not fractionating back into their sub-components) ensures that as the solvent is boiled and turned to vapor then cooled as a part of the vapor degreasing process - it will keep its mixture consistent throughout the heating and cooling process.
Fast evaporating. This is not a requirement as much as it is a benefit - because faster evaporation means quicker drying times and less processing time.
Effective at dissolving hydrocarbons (like machining oils etc.). There are difference types of contaminants and vapor degreasing solvents are great at removing oils, greases, fluorinated greases, machining oils, lubricants, waxes, petroleum, NDT fluids, drawings oils, adhesives, polishes, pitches, potting waxes, masking waxes, fats, resins, RMA & other organic fluxes. However, contaminants like salts, oxides, carbon and other inorganics will not be effected by most vapor degreasing solvents.
Substrate consideration. Substrates are the underling material that you are cleaning. Vapor degreasing solvents are excellent for cleaning a wide variety of substrate metals including Stainless Steels, Aluminum, Magnesium, Nickel, Copper, Bronze, Zinc, Iron, Lead, Tin, and silver. However, if you have a substrate made of soft plastics like ABS, Acrylic Polycarbonate, Polyurethane and elastomers like Neoprene, Rubbers, and Silicones the solvent will dissolve or degrade it in some way.
Heath and safety considerations. Vapor degreasing solvents are powerful cleaners with varying H&S effects from mild anesthetic effects to possible carcinogens….so make sure to review the SDS.
Permitting. Many states require permits when using a certain quantity of solvents in your facility. Small quantities do not necessarily require permits - but permitting is something to keep in mind as you select your solvents.
Disposal. Vapor degreasing solvents need to be disposed of properly and they CANNOT be flushed into the ground water system. Solvent Disposal programs are required to remove the spent solvent from your facility.
Distillable. Because vapor degreasing solvents are azeotropes they can be distilled. Distillation is a process for separating the solvent from the contaminants…thus making the recovered solvent reusable for additional cleaning. This helps increase the solvent’s useful life.
Shipping considerations. Shipping is not free (even though Amazon would like you to think so) so the cost to ship is a consideration. Some solvents like nPB, TCE are now considered hazardous for shipping - therefore increasing shipping costs…thus, a factor of the total cost.
Regulations in your state. Every state has different permitting, use and reporting requirements. As vapor degreasing solvents become more regulated, the permitting, use and reporting requirements will change.
Reliance Can Help…
At Reliance, we are happy to help with determining what solvent to use, based on your cleaning needs, operation and corporate requirements.
In order to ensure you have the right solution for your cleaning needs, Reliance offers valuable services to ensure cleaning optimization including discussing your application and validating if solvent cleaning is a match for your company
We are happy to have you send in sample parts for us to test clean in our vapor degreasing laboratories. We have a large inventory of vapor degreasing units and can emulate your current production process (immersion, spray, ultrasonic) to validate a recommended cleaning process. We will clean the parts and send them to you for your evaluation along with a comprehensive report of the test cleaning. This is also a great way to see if a change in your equipment configuration and process can have a marked improvement in your productivity, cleaning quality, or consistency.
As part of the evaluation process, our technical team will work with you to assess which solvent will best meet your cleaning needs and provide a free sample for you to test with at your facility.
We are happy to host your company at our facility to experience the solvents working first hand in a vapor degreaser. We are 30 minutes from Chicago’s O’Hare Airport. Come Visit.