Effective Trichloroethylene (TCE) Replacement

GenTech™ is a high performance, environmentally sound, direct TCE replacement solvent. GenTech is a non-chlorinated, non-flammable, affordable vapor degreasing solvent that is ideal for replacing Trichloroethylene. Our vapor degreasing experts will be there to support you through the easy change-over into GenTech™. Give us a call at 847.640.8923 or contact us today for more information or a free sample.

GenTech™ Benefits

  • Equivalent cleaning power - works as well or better than TCE.

  • High Quality - designed and manufactured to exacting standards.

  • Simple to use in your current vapor degreasing equipment - there is no change over costs or worker retraining.

  • Always in stock - ensuring continued ease of operations.

  • Excellent soil loading - extended bath life and stability.

  • Fast evaporating - eliminating drying time.

  • Not regulated under NESHAP - eliminating regulatory reporting and permitting.

  • Is not regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) - ships common carrier reducing transportation costs.

  • Has no flash point - eliminating flammability concerns.

  • Is not an ozone depleting substance and contains no HAPs (hazardous Air Pollutants) - enhancing the environmental profile of your operation.

  • RoHS compliant - does not contain lead, chromium or other restricted substances.

  • Highly effective on organic contaminants such as oils, greases, lubricants, coolants, drawing fluids, adhesives, waxes, fluxes and flux residue.

  • Quantities that meet your needs: 1, 5 and 55 gallon drums.

BEFORE Vapor Degreasing in GenTech™ Solvent

BEFORE Vapor Degreasing in GenTech™ Solvent

AFTER Vapor Degreasing in GenTech™ Solvent

AFTER Vapor Degreasing in GenTech™ Solvent

Environmentally Friendly

Our GenTech™ Trichloroethylene replacement solvents possess the same solvency as TCE without the inherited health and safety risks associated with TCE.

Regulatory Profile GENTECH™ TCE
NESHAP Reporting NOT Required Required
RCRA NON-Hazardous Waste Hazardous Waste
DOT NOT Regulated Yes, Regulated
Title V Permit NOT Required Required
CERCLA Regulated Over 20,000 lbs. 24 hrs. Regulated Over 110 lbs. 24 hrs.
Record Keeping Reporting
NOT Required Hazard Warning Required
Prop 65, CA Yes Yes
Clean Water Act NOT Regulated Regulated
VOC Yes, Petition for Exemption Filed with US-EPA Yes
US-EPA SNAP Approved Yes Yes

Comparable Performance to Trichloroethylene (TCE)

Our solvents leave no measurable residue, evaporate quickly, and are as effective as TCE for degreasing applications. They are also compatible with any plastic or metal that TCE is compatible with.

Performance Properties GENTECH™ TCE
Boiling Point 160° F / 71° C 188° F / 87° C
Flash Point None None
Evaporation Rate 4.5 3.0
Kauri Butanol Value 129 129
Specific Gravity 1.33 1.46
Evaporation Rate 4.5 3.0
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg) 139 60
Vapor Density 4.3 4.53
Specific Heat 0.27 0.23
Water Solubility (@ 25Cg/100 ml) 0.25 0.11
Surface Tension (dynes/cm) 26.1 29.5
Dielectric Strength 27,000 varies
Viscosity 0.5 0.49

Seamless Change Over

Switching to EnTron-Aero™, EnTron™, or GenTech™ from TCE in your vapor degreasing system is seamless. The conversion to our solvents requires no equipment modifications, except minor adjustments to the temperature settings. Our solvents boil at a lower temperature than TCE (160°F versus 188°F); therefore, less time and energy is required to boil the solvent.

Reliable Support and Helpful Customer Service

Reliance Specialty Products is the leader in vapor degreasing solvent cleaning. At Reliance, we take a comprehensive, systemic approach to solvent cleaning. Our vapor degreasing equipment manufacturing expertise combined with our years of working with a variety of solvent cleaning options make us able to support our customers in a variety of practical ways. We are here to help you easily switch over to GenTech™ and support your transition into an effective solvent that is better for your company, your people and the environment.

Please contact us for more information, a free test sample, or a test cleaning of your parts at our facility