Cleaning electronics requires precision removal of contaminants such as rosin flux, no-clean flux, oils, greases, wax and polar contaminants that can cause boards to fail. Vapor degreasing is a powerful and effective way to precision clean Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and other critical electronics used in a myriad of high-tech industries where parts must be critically clean.
Reliance manufactures comprehensive electronic parts cleaning solutions that include AeroTron-100 our high-performance vapor degreasing solvent (that replaces expensive solvents like Novec 71DE, 72DE, 72DA and 73DE, Vertrel, and Tergo) and ULTRA™ vapor degreasing equipment with excellent solvent containment, ultrasonic immersion and automation.
Reliance is known throughout the industry as electronics cleaning and vapor degreasing experts. We are the only company that manufactures both vapor degreasing solvent and equipment to provide you a complete package for critical electronic part cleaning. Contact us to discuss your cleaning needs.

Advantages of AeroTron-100 Solvent
Cleans rosin flux, no-clean flux, oils, greases, wax and some polar contaminants that can cause boards to fail.
Enhances ultrasonic cleaning of tiny geometries
Safer for your people and the environment
Ideal nPB and TCE replacement
Lower cost than fluorinated based solvents
Strong cleaning performance
Use in your current equipment
Not subject to NESHAP regulations
Advantages of the ULTRA™ Vapor Degreasing Equipment
Excellent solvent containment = Reduced solvent cost
NESHAP Compliant
Minimized worker solvent exposure
Automation for part cleaning consistency
Units with immersion, vapor, spray, and ultrasonics – available now
Easy maintenance
Excellent training
The Only Company That Manufactures Both Solvents and Equipment for Complete Cleaning of Complex Precision Electronics
Advantages of AeroTron™-100
No special NESHAP reporting required
Excellent in a vapor degreaser to completely clean dirt, oil, and other contaminants from electrical components
Enhances ultrasonic cleaning
Easily removes flux residue, polar/non-polar contaminants, and hydrocarbons
Use in your current vapor degreaser or current cleaning operation
Drop-In replacement for TCE, PERC and nPB
US-EPA SNAP approved (Significant New Alternative Policy)
No-hydrolysis reaction—means no acid testing or boosting
Recyclable / Distillable
Ships common carrier
Effectively removes a variety of contaminants from electronic/electrical parts and printed circuit boards.
AeroTron™-100 is the solvent of choice for manufacturers fabricating electronic parts, printed circuit boards (PCBs) and delicate components. Increasingly, companies need vapor degreasing solvents that clean effectively and are safer for their employees. AeroTron-100 is a vapor degreaser that fills the need.

Reliance Specialty Products, Inc.
The Only OEM Company That Manufactures Both Vapor Degreasing Equipment and Vapor Degreasing Solvent
Reliance Specialty Products, Inc. is known throughout the industry as vapor degreasing experts because we manufacture both the ULTRA™ vapor degreasing equipment line and AeroTron™ vapor degreasing solvents which are drop-in TCE and nPB replacement solvents.
ULTRA™ Vapor Degreaser FEATURES:
Minimize worker solvent exposure
Enhance solvent containment
Provide state of the art control systems
Allow easy field maintenance
Automate basket handling for consistent parts processing
Adept for the use of non-flammable solvents
BEFORE cleaning in AeroTron-100 vapor degreasing solvent
AFTER cleaning in AeroTron-100 vapor degreasing solvent
AeroTron™-100 Means Improved Health and Safety Profile - 150 ppm

Excellent for Vapor Degreasing
No special equipment modifications required for vapor degreasing
Health and safety upgrade from nPB, TCE, Perc and MC
Use as a direct, drop-in replacement in your vapor degreaser
Easy switch over to AeroTron-100
Sample Part Cleaning
To support your transition to AeroTron, Reliance will conduct a validation part cleaning with AeroTron-100 in our vapor degreasing system for cleanliness qualification as part of your due diligence process. Reliance will emulate your current production process - so you have the comparative data you need.
Contact us or give us a call at 847.640.8923.